Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We're Moving!!!!

So we found out we're moving. Can you guess where? I found out earlier this month. I felt it was a lie but being that it wasn't April Fools Day...it wasn't a lie. I was in straight shock. Even tears came out. It has kind of settled in my head, the dust has gone down. Facing the fact that I will not be waking in America. No more Target trips or McDonald's. No more American beaches and getting skin cancer here, haha. No more ebonics and English...

Let me give you a few hints to where we're moving.

  1. they serve tomatoes with their Happy Meals.
  2. they make homemade pizza and spaghetti
  3. they call their homes- FLATS
  4. they have small cars & apartments
Have you guessed yet???!


Flipping ITALY! Yes that boot shaped country. Europe. Yes, Europe! I am in a state, or country, of shock!

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